1. General provisions

1.1. These Rules regulate the activities of the Pigy Hotel in the field of providing accommodation services (hotel services) to consumers who live in the hotel or intend to use it
hotel services) and providers of these services.
1.2. In its activity, the hotel is guided by the current
legislation of Ukraine and these Rules.

1.2.1. main services - the amount of hotel services (accommodation, food
etc.), which is included in the price of the room and provided to the consumer
in accordance with the concluded contract and is included in the price of the room;

1.2.2 additional services - the volume of services that do not belong to the main ones
hotel services, ordered and paid for by the consumer additionally;

1.2.3. room - a separate furnished room consisting of
one or more rooms equipped for temporary

1.2.4. fines - a fine paid by the contracting party
in case of violation by her of the requirements stipulated by the contract or in force

1.2.5. reservation - the process of ordering the main hotel by the customer
and/or additional services to a certain extent, for the purpose of use
services in the agreed terms by a specific consumer or group

1.2.6. confirmation of booked services - hotel's consent to
fulfillment of the ordered stipulated list of main and additional ones
services according to the application;

1.2.7. cancellation - the customer's refusal of the booked services.
Cancellation is divided into three types: timely cancellation, late
cancellation, non-arrival. In case of late cancellation or non-arrival
the hotel collects a fine from the customer in accordance with the conditions specified in the reservation conditions;
1.2.8. timely cancellation - the customer's refusal to use
booked services no later than three days before the date
of the scheduled check-in or in the terms stipulated in the languages of the reservation;
1.2.9. late cancellation - cancellation no later than
one day before the scheduled check-in date or within the terms specified in the booking conditions;
1.2.10. non-arrival - the actual non-arrival of a consumer or a group of consumers at the hotel on the day of check-in or cancellation of booked services before the specified date of settlement;
1.2.11. check-in date - the date of the consumer's arrival at the hotel;
1.2.12. departure date - the date of the consumer's departure from the hotel;
1.2.13. early check-in - the customer's check-in at the hotel before the estimated time;
1.2.14. late departure - departure of the consumer from the hotel after the estimated time on the day of departure;
1.2.15. settlement hour - the hour that is set in the hotel in the reservation conditions and at which the consumer must vacate the room on the day of departure and after which check-in to the hotel is carried out.

2. Information about services
2.1. The hotel is obliged to provide the consumer at his request with all necessary, reliable, available and timely information about hotel services.

2.2. Information about services and internal rules of accommodation is posted indoors at an information stand in the consumer registration area.

3. Procedure for booking rooms and paying for services

3.1. The hotel has the right to conclude a reservation contract with the customer (consumer) by signing it by two parties, as well as by accepting the reservation application by mail, telephone or other communication (e-mail, including fax), which allows to reliably establish the ownership of the application to the consumer or to the customer.

3.2. The contract is considered concluded only if the hotel confirms the reservation request sent to it and the parties reach an agreement by means of mail, telephone or other communication (e-mail means, including fax), which makes it possible to reliably establish the ownership of the request to the consumer or customer.

3.3. When booking a room, the hotel may request a subscription for the provision of hotel services. In case of refusal of the consumer to pay for the reservation, his accommodation in the hotel is carried out according to the order of the general queue and the availability of free rooms.

3.4. The advance payment is included in the payment of hotel services at the final settlement, unless otherwise stipulated by the contract concluded with the customer.
3.5. If the consumer does not arrive by 18:00 (cancellation time) on the day
of the ordered arrival, the order is canceled if the reservation of the room (seat) was not confirmed by the service subscription.
3.6. The agreement on the provision of basic hotel services can be
concluded by the customer in favor of the consumer by proxy
the last
3.7. The hotel has the right to apply free prices and tariffs, and a system of discounts for all services provided, with the exception of those for which state regulation of prices and tariffs is carried out.
3.8. Room price, cost of additional services, incl. booking, are set by the hotel independently, the form of payment is determined by the contract between the consumer/customer and the hotel.
3.9. The hotel applies daily payment for hotel services.
3.10. The hotel defines the list of basic services that are included in the price
3.11. The contract for the provision of basic hotel services to the consumer is considered to be concluded after the registration of accommodation documents (filling in the questionnaire, registration) and is certified by a settlement receipt or another settlement document that confirms the conclusion of the contract and contains: the name of the hotel, its details (for private
entrepreneur - surname, patronymic, information on state registration), surname, first name and patronymic of the consumer;
3.12. information about the room (place in the room) provided; room price and other necessary data at the discretion of the hotel.
3.13. When children under the age of 5 are placed with their parents in the same room, the children's accommodation fee is not charged.

4. Service provision procedure

4.1. A hotel room is provided to the consumer upon presentation of a passport or other identity document (passport of a citizen of Ukraine, passport of a citizen of Ukraine for
travel abroad, diplomatic or official passport, identity card
identity card of a seafarer, residence permit of a person living in Ukraine,
but is not a citizen of Ukraine, the national passport of a foreigner or
a document that replaces it, a driver's license, for military personnel - an identity card or a military ID.
4.2. The consumer has the right to terminate the provision contract
hotel services at any time, provided that they are actually provided
hotel services.
4.3. The hotel is obliged to provide benefits to those categories
consumers for whom such benefits are provided, in order and on
under the conditions defined by the current legislation.
4.4. Without the consent of the consumer/customer, the hotel has no right
provide additional services that are not included in the contract.
The consumer/customer has the right to refuse to pay for such services, and
if they are paid, the hotel is obliged to return the paid amount.
4.5. At the request of the consumer, he can be given a number for two
and more places with payment of room cost.
4.6. The hotel is obliged to provide the consumer without an additional charge
pay for the following types of services: calling an ambulance; delivery to the correspondence number; wake up at a specified time.
4.7. Change of bed linen, towels and toiletries and cleaning of the room is carried out at the request of the guest, and at least two
times a week
4.8. The hotel ensures the completeness and serviceability of the equipment
in the room, as well as the quality of the room's preparation for occupancy.
4.9. The hotel is responsible for the safety of things brought to
of the hotel by the consumer who lives in it. It is considered that
brought to the hotel, if it is given to hotel employees or
located in the premises designated for the consumer.
4.10. The hotel is responsible for the loss of money, other valuables (valuable
papers, jewels) only if they were transferred separately
hotel for storage.
4.11. In case of loss or damage to the item, the consumer is obliged
inform the hotel immediately. If before the end of the period of stay, the consumer has not presented his demands to the hotel, it is considered that his belongings were not lost
or damaged
4.12. In case of discovery of forgotten items, the hotel is obliged
immediately notify the owner of the items (provided that their owner
known). Forgotten things are stored in the hotel for six months, after which they are destroyed, and a deed of the established form is drawn up.
4.13. The consumer is obliged to comply with these Rules,
internal rules of staying in the hotel and fire safety rules.

4.14. If the consumer repeatedly violates internal rules
staying in a hotel, which leads to material losses, and
also creates inconvenience for other consumers, the hotel has the right
refuse settlement or terminate the contract (eviction).

5. Liability of the hotel and consumers for non-fulfilment
duties during the provision of hotel services
5.1. The hotel is obliged to provide quality hotel services
services in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, these Rules and
5.2. In case of non-fulfillment of contractual obligations in whole or in part
obligations related to the provision of hotel services, the guilty party
shall compensate the other party for the damages caused thereby.
5.3. In case of impossibility (refusal) to fulfill the conditions in advance
of the concluded contract with the consumer/customer regarding the provision
of hotel services, the hotel is obliged, at the request of the consumer,
to ensure accommodation of the consumer in another hotel located in
a given area that provides services of equal or higher quality.
Additional costs incurred in connection with this are covered
5.4. The consumer, upon detection of defects in the provided service,
inconsistency of the service to the assigned category of the hotel has the right for
by choice, demand: elimination of defects free of charge and within a specified period; corresponding price reduction for the provided service. The hotel must take measures to eliminate the shortcomings of the provided service within an hour from the moment the consumer submits the relevant requirements.
The consumer has the right to terminate the contract on the provision of hotel services
services and, in accordance with current legislation, demand full
compensation for damages, if the hotel did not eliminate it within the specified period
disadvantages The money paid by the consumer for services is returned on the day of termination of the contract or at another agreed time, but no later than within 7 days from the date of presentation of the relevant
5.5. According to the current legislation of Ukraine, the hotel carries
responsibility for damage caused to life, health or property
of the consumer, which arose in connection with shortcomings in the provision of services.
The procedure and amount of compensation are determined in accordance with the applicable law
5.6. Compensation for damages caused by the consumer
in connection with the loss or damage of the property of the hotel, is carried out by him
in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

6. Control of compliance with the Rules
6.1. The hotel monitors compliance with these Rules
local state administrations, local self-government bodies,
the central executive body for tourism and others
central bodies of executive power within their competence.
6.2. For violating sanitary requirements or providing hotel accommodation
services that do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents regarding
safety for life, health and property of consumers and the environment
natural environment, the hotel is responsible according to
current legislation.
6.3. The hotel is obliged to monitor compliance
by the staff of these Rules. In case of violation of the Rules, the guilty persons are responsible
liability in accordance with current legislation.